01722 568 946 | hello@blueflamedigital.co.uk

Fast track your project with our packaged products available straight off the shelf, or customised to give the perfect solution

The enjoyable companion mobile app for dental nurses and dental professionals. Bite-size learning and refresher mini games for Android and Apple phones.
We know thick text books and videos are important, but the job role is very practical and visual. Games are a perfect way to explain complex subjects through visualisations and interactivity... they are also FUN!

The perfect motion platform companion, Actuate Motion is a piece of middleware software we have designed and developed to help integrate motion hardware support to games or simulation software.
Designed to be extensible via plugins to allow easy support of different hardware, and to allow different methods of telemetry acquisition.

EduDrive is our virtual driver training software,
with off the shelf scenarios, our platform allows us to build customised vehicles and situations for specific client needs.
Every time your commercial drivers are on the road, you’re taking a gamble with your cargo, your reputation, and ultimately your business. EduDrive adjusts the odds in your favour, increasing driver safety and saving you insurance costs.
EduDrive immerses the drivers through Virtual Reality, screen projections or desktop computers.