Back in June we found out that a project that we had been working on was a finalist for an Innovation award at the National Rail Awards in London. I was asked to join two others from the project team and travel up to London to pitch in front of a panel of judges why we believe the project should win.
I was absolutely honoured and terrified to be asked, it was such a responsibility and I didn’t want to mess it up. It turns out that as I know the project inside out, talking about how amazing it is wasn’t as difficult as I’d made it out to be in my head, I was able to answer the questions thrown at me with relative ease.
The day was so good and such an experience for me. We were grilled for about an hour by the judges and enjoyed a well deserved pint once it was over!
We were told that we wouldn’t find out if we won or not until the night of the awards in September – which is now next week!
I am so excited as the big day approaches. Do you know what? Whether we win or not, we are finalists with a project that I am beyond proud of! Plus we’re using the event as an excuse to get the whole team together to celebrate what we achieved.
So I’m ready, I’ve got my dress ready, Dan’s got his suit ready and I’m still trying to convince Mike to wear his kilt for the night! We are ready to party and if we win the award that will just be the icing on the cake!